Version françaiseFR
 PSL Computing Centre

Working at MesoPSL


The PSL community, researchers, teachers, students, is granted access to the computing centre resources. A first parallel machine, a NEC 216 cores cluster, is in exploitation since July 2011.

A second machine, a NEC 1472 cores cluster, started exploitation in Decembre 2012.

Resources queries

For all accounts creation and computing resources queries, please fill and submit this form.

Allocations are granted after validation by the MesoPSL steering commitee.

User support

Ask your questions to support.mesopsl

Access to computers

The 216 cores NEC cluster can be accessed via connection on its frontal, or

Users connections from the Observatoire network

Direct connection (ssh or telnet) on or

Users connections from outside

The centre doesn't provide a dedicated login machine yet. Users can connect to Observatoire login server, (ssh connection), then access the or frontal.

NB: documentations are available on the Observatoire web site (in French only), explaining remote access and use of ssh tunnels. Please, have a look.

Usage of the centre resources

Documentations are available, concerning the development tools, the submission queues system, the data storage organisation. Please, consult (cf. links below).

Cluster watch and statistics

Usage statistics and real time cluster monitoring are available.

Last update 09-05-2014 02:51 pm / Aurélia Marchand

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